Showing posts with label Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Show all posts

Friday, August 8, 2014

Terpecahkan Rahasia Akupuntur

INILAH.COM, Jakarta- Setelah 3.000 tahun, rahasia akupuntur berhasil dipecahkan oleh para peneliti. Morry Silberstein, seorang Profesor di Curtin University of Technology (CUT), Australia telah mengembangkan sebuah teori baru yang menjelaskan secara ilmiah, mengapa akupuntur berhasil.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Rumah Sakit Beri Layanan Tradisional Belum Banyak yang Manfaatkan Ramuan

Jakarta, Kompas (Sabtu, 3 Maret 2012) – Sebanyak 29 rumah sakit di Indonesia sudah memberikan layanan kesehatan tradisional yang digabungkan dengan layanan modern. Namun, sebagian besar layanan yang diberikan berupa akupuntur. Hanya sedikit yang memberikan obat tradisional ataupun layanan hiperbarik.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Acupuncture and Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most prevalent reasons people seek health care. Millions of working days and countless hours of activity and fun are lost each year due to back pain.

Causes of Back Pain
One of the top causes of back pain are sprains (overstretching one or more of the ligaments in the back) and strains (a rip or tear in the muscle caused by sudden force). This can happen from an injury, poor posture, or improper lifting.

Acupuncture and Autism

Autism or Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a behaviorally defined, lifelong disorder of the brain. Although it is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders in children, its cause is still a mystery, and no cure is currently available. Autism is characterized by deficits in language, social communication and cognition. The basis of the disorder may be neurochemical (serotonin or dopamine neuronal dysfunction), neurobiological (genetic basis), or neuropsychological (dysfunction of complex information processing or theory of mind). Children with autism usually have secondary problems in behavior including aggression, irritability, stereotypies, hyperactivity, negativism, volatile emotions, temper tantrums, short attention span and obsessive-compulsive behavior. Direct and indirect evidence suggests that neurochemical systems might be relevant in understanding the pathogenesis of autism.